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Leonie Byrne
Jun 7, 2023
A Quick Update
I’ve been gone AWOL again for a while. I won’t kid myself that I have been missed: I know you have all been far to busy in my absence...

Leonie Byrne
Jan 21, 2023
Getting Back on the Horse
I’ve been gone for a while. I had to prioritize my energies. By the time I had divided myself out between family and farm...
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Leonie Byrne
May 15, 2021
A Puff of Feathers
When Stephen announced to me on Thursday last that not only would he be working on Friday, but also on Saturday, I was not overly pleased...

Leonie Byrne
Jan 3, 2021
A Look Back on the Holidays
There has been so much going on over the holidays! Best of all though, was having my family around so that we could spend some time...

Leonie Byrne
Jan 1, 2021
In With The New
So, it’s a new year. What are you going to do about it!? At this time of year, the air is heavy with the promise of hope for the New...
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Leonie Byrne
Dec 31, 2020
Out With The Old
There is no doubt about it: the year 2020 was really one for the books and there is so much about it that I will happily leave behind....

Leonie Byrne
Dec 27, 2020
A Look Back on the Week
If you have missed me a bit on social media this week, I apologise. As you can imagine, it has been busy, but more than that, I have been...
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Leonie Byrne
Dec 10, 2020
Feelings of Overwhelm
With the accumulation of years, I have found that December in particular can by trying and it seems to weigh on me a little more each year.

Leonie Byrne
Nov 22, 2020
A Look Back on the Week
I am so thankful that this past week was much less eventful than the previous! However, it did start out with a bit of panic before...

Leonie Byrne
Nov 19, 2020
Grocery Shopping Success
Are you the one who does the grocery shopping in the household? Do you use a shopping list or do you wing it? Is it a task you love, or...

Leonie Byrne
Nov 15, 2020
The Week in Review
Over this weekend, I drank a lot of wine. Generally, I am a water or ‘Diet Coke’ girl (please don’t judge me too harshly, I know it’s a...

Leonie Byrne
Oct 26, 2020
The Art of Looking Ahead
For me, a vital part of running a family, home and farm is looking ahead: anticipating what is coming down the line and being prepared...

Leonie Byrne
Oct 20, 2020
Minimising Multiple Trips to the Shops
Well, here we go again. If you’ve just joined us in 2020, it’s really been one for the books. One star. Would not recommend. Proceed...

Leonie Byrne
Jul 31, 2020
Meet Leonie
Hello there! My name is Leonie Byrne. I am a wife and mum-of-one based in the sunny South East of Ireland. My husband and I farm a mixed...

Leonie Byrne
Jul 30, 2020
Covid-19: The First Seeds of Misty Green Living are Sown
The last few months have been a learning curve for all of us. I remember reading and hearing with a distant and detached lack of concern...
The Blog

Hello There & Welcome!
I'm Leonie, a Mom, Wife, Sheep Farmer, Gardener & Home Cook. My goal is to build my own skill repertoire & to help you to learn more about cooking from scratch, growing your own food, while living
more sustainably along
the way.
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