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A Look Back on the Week

Leonie Byrne

Another week has gone by in the blink of an eye. I cannot believe that we are already at the end of January.

Moody skies and a sprinkle of snow

I have been doing lots of bread making this week. If you’ve been following me here or on Instagram, you’ll be aware that one of my projects early on in the month was to make a viable sourdough starter. Well, I mixed my flour and water earlier on in the month, and I have been feeding it religiously every day and incredibly, I have created a living thing in my kitchen that makes bread rise. I have tried making my own starter previously but to no avail, but one of the advantages of this new Covid era, is that it brings with it a little more time.

I have been mostly spending time at home, schooling for as long as it takes, and then pottering about and doing other bits. I have tried different ways of organising school for Luke, but ultimately, I need to be close by to answer questions and make sure his focus is maintained as he is very easily distracted. One of my aims this coming week is to be more productive this week myself, because I find that while trying to get him to do his work, I am myself quite unable to get anything meaningful done. I can only imagine how hard it must be for those working from home and juggling home-schooling.

I had two really important jobs to do this week: one was to start some of my seedlings off and the other, to order seeds from Irish Seedsavers Association. I got both done early on in the week. I had hoped to order my seeds online, but due to a backlog with their system, they have asked the folks send in their orders by post. It is wonderful to see an organisation that does such great work being so busy. I look forward to seeing what availability they had for me, and hopefully my seeds will arrive in the next couple of weeks.

Seedling order sent!

I had the place covered in compost when I was planting some of my seeds. It is quite early really, but if I don’t get a start made on them now, it won’t happen until well after lambing which brings us up to mid-April. I have sown the seeds in small biodegradable pots that I will be able to plant straight into their final home, and they are lined up on the window sill, where I am checking them daily and anxiously waiting for them to germinate. What did I sow? Well, to start, I have two different varieties of tomato (a beefsteak variety and a plum variety), some beans (barlotti), some chillis and a small container of sorrel, which is delicious in salads.

I’ll keep you posted on progress!

Snuggled up and smiling.


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